Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Guernica's Painter

"Drink to me" the last words of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). Pablo Picasso died on April 8th 1973 while hosting a dinner party with his wife, Jaqueline.

Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artists of all time. The Spanish artist painted, and sculpted beautiful works of art. He is one of the artists that brought the style of cubism into the world. My personal favorite is one named “Guernica.” It is a painting depicting the Spanish Civil War, through the eyes of Picasso. The all black and white piece of artwork has been something I have studied since I was a young child. In my house we have a very large copy of “Guernica” and I would look at it all the time. Every time I looked at it I saw something new, something tucked away, hidden into the picture.
Picasso was born in Spain, and his first word was actually "piz" which is short for the Spanish word "lapiz" (lapiz in Spanish means "pencil") While Picasso was young he spent most of his time in either Barcelona or Paris.

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